Bedford M. Combs is Licensed Marital and Family Therapist, living and practicing in the Nashville, Tennessee area, while presenting personal growth and training programs and workshops both nationally since the mid 1980s and internationally since 1998. Bedford ’s work has been acknowledged and praised in such publications as Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie, Another Chance: Hope and Health for the Alcoholic Family by Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse and many others through the years...
...In 1985, Bedford created the Heartstream Journey Personal Growth and Training Week, lovingly known today as "Journey Week," which has been attended by more than 12,000 participants from throughout the United States and seven foreign countries. In 1997, along with his spiritual partner, Melissa J. Jones, Bedford founded and implemented the “Joining Heartstreams Couples Workshop,” which is now woven into the Heartstream Journey Week. Bedford ’s intuitive style of symbolic/experiential work shows profound respect for the process of each individual and relationship and the masterful unfolding of each life’s journey.
Melissa J. Jones is an Ordained Minister, practicing Spiritual Direction since 1999. She has been the creator and leader of several women’s spirituality groups and now focuses on her private practice in Spiritual Direction, working with individuals and couples. Melissa was the cofounder and coleader of the “Joining Heartstreams Couples Workshop” now woven into the Heartstream Journey Personal Growth and Training Week for Individuals and Couples. She has facilitated workshops in the US and in the UK...
...Along with Bedford, she has also co-created and co-facilitated one, two, three and four day Couples Intensives for individual couples and leads monthly couples groups. Melissa practiced bodywork as a Licensed Massage Therapist from 1991 to 2007, with an emphasis on reclamation of the body from the manifestations of emotional and physical trauma. She manifested her own body reclamation by completing her black belt in Wado-Rhu karate in 2012 and currently holds a second degree black belt. Melissa brings her unique gift of Love and respect to her work and holds sacred the unfolding of each individual and relationship journey.