As the name suggests, it is a journey to the heart--to the heart of whatever issues are present for an individual or couple--to the heart of the meaning of the journey of life. Our therapeutic processes are based on this metaphor which was discovered in an ancient story, from which a guided imagery has been generated. The story traces the journey of a stream from its origins, to its near annihilation, to its transformation and rebirth. Our programs mirror the process of the spiritual/emotional journey of life and meaning and bring this process into focus. The programs bring an individual or couple gently to the spiritual turning point and create the safety within which life change can unfold symbolically and new choices are brought into vivid awareness.
Yes. Each individual or couple is given focused time in the group to address core issues. In the individual Journey Week process, this is followed with a second focused piece in which the new vision generated from the first piece is reconfirmed and supported. The couples process generates a similar experience focusing on individual and relationship visioning.
No. Everything in our programs is done by clear choice. This is a particular focus as we move through our processes. We absolutely believe that choice is the most important human superpower.
Yes, absolutely. We never ask anyone to do anything we haven't been willing to do ourselves. The work of these programs represents the formats in which both of us have done our own healing work and the work of developing our spiritual partnership.
Several things. First of all, you can be assured who your group leaders will be with us. We (Melissa and Bedford) lead each group.
We have received much feedback that, while we maintain healthy boundaries, our personal sharing of our journeys has been inspirational to our groups. We don't hold out the illusion that we have "arrived" and group members are "trying to get there." We journey with our groups in healing, transformation and spiritual evolution and take great joy in the process. We are honored to be with our participants.
We also make private rooms available to each participant in our residential programs. With such intense group involvement, we respect your right and need for private space.
Our inclusion of couples and individuals together in the Heartstream Journey Week seems to be unique as well.
Respect is the key word. We believe that each individual has within them an inner healer. Some call it a Higher Self, a connection to a Higher Power, a connection to Spirit or the Holy Spirit within. We believe that our job is to honor that connection, however it is framed and defined, and to facilitate the illumination of a healing process, which mirrors and ultimately expresses the spiritual evolution of each individual and couple. Our programs create a safe space or healing ground.
Each element of the experiential psychodramatic process emerges from the individual or couple. We have drawn much from the psychomotor model, which allows each role-playing figure to truly represent an aspect of the inner experience of the individual. Healing figures (also called ideal figures or archetypal figures) are generated from each individual's healing potential. We limit ad-libbing from role-players so that the entire experience in an experiential piece is reflective of that healing process, and the personalities of the role-players do not impede that process.
We also have received much feedback that as we have developed our personal and professional relationship, the resulting equality and respect between us has been facilitative in itself.