Created in 1985, originally called the "Treatment Week" and later, "Journey Week," the program has now served over 12,000 participants from throughout the United States and six foreign countries. It has been difficult to describe, but has never ceased to surprise, enlighten and amaze. It has been called "soul work," "psychic regeneration," "a place to heal broken hearts“ and "a place of new beginnings."
Using several symbolic/experiential modalities in group therapy work, we create a safe and respectful healing circle in which participants can then move deeply into the "heartstream" or the spiritual/emotional/developmental process of each unique life. As participants face and understand the blocks, defenses, compulsions, addictions and faulty imprints that limit and sidetrack their development, deep emotional and spiritual healing experiences emerge through symbolic group work. A profound, new relationship with self invariably emerges. Couples combine this internal growth process with intensive couples communication work, involving the Four Quarters Container system, generating a clear path toward deep personal awareness and responsibility within the relationship, and the capacity to generate spiritual partnership.
The process then moves to the creation of a new vision for life as it will follow this healing experience. The vision is created with word and with visual expression. The group moves to affirm the vision as the next experiential process unfolds. The healing and new vision are then celebrated and life planning creates a practical action plan, based on new choices, new empowerment and new possibilities.
The program is designed within a six day format. Group size historically included eight participants, to include any combination of eight individuals, one couple and six individuals, two couples and four individuals or three couples and two individuals. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we have limited group size to six participants, including six individuals, one couple and four individuals, two couples and two individuals or three couples. The combination of the individually focused Journey Week program and the Couples Workshop have proven extraordinary. We literally stumbled onto the power of this combination several years ago and have since recognized the amazing serendipity of our experiment. We quickly discovered that couples invariably went deeper with their internal work, generating more individual responsibility in the midst of the couples communication process, inspired by the depth of the individuals' work, and the individuals were invariably inspired by the power of the couples work toward spiritual partnership.
Unique aspects of our program are consistent group leadership by the two of us (we lead every group), our open mid-day schedule, which allows for contemplation, meditation, walking meditation, yoga and physical exercise, rest and quiet time, journalling and enjoyment of the unique and beautiful environments of the program venues, as well as the availability of private rooms. We understand and respect our participants' need for private space with such intense group involvement. Our inclusion of couples and individuals together seems to be unique among comparable programs. Keeping affordable tuitions has remained a priority as well. Professionals wishing to do personal work as a training experience receive 36 training hours.
If our program speaks to your heart and you wish to join us, you will find additional information below:
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